Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Real Jedi Kyle

By SniperShot
Date: 06-19-2007




Real Jedi Kyle Version 2 by SniperShot

Well here it is Verson two of my real Jedi kyle mod.Not much has changed bsides the colors, The default is now a dark brown, the blue
is about the same but with the team color on the sholder pad and wrist guards.the Red team skin however

Installation: Simply place the Real Jedi Kyle v2 Pac3 file in the Jedi academ game base.
To remove the mod simply remove the file.

This is a simple reskin not a new skin, it will override the defualt game model.

team skins and icons for multi-player have been provided.

no new sounds

Bot support is default,Two new npcs kyle_real and kyle_dark.

to Spawn type Npc spawn kyle_real or Kyle_dark in consol.

Note: you will have to remove the previous verson to add this updated version

Known Bugs: Once again None, if you find any send me a letter at

Hope you enjoy.